Demonic telepathy is a terrifying and invasive form of mental communication where a demon can directly infiltrate a person’s mind and thoughts. This sinister phenomenon occurs when an individual falls victim to demonic possession, allowing the evil spirit to forge a twisted psychic link and wreak havoc from within.
Human Brain
“The human brain comprises about 100 billion nerve cells (neurons) interconnected by trillions of connections, called synapses. On average, each connection transmits about one signal per second. Some specialized connections send up to 1,000 signals per second. “Somehow… that’s producing thought,” says Charles Jennings, director of the neurotechnology at the MIT McGovern Institute for Brain Research.” MIT School of Engineering
The concept of demonic thought insertion and mental telepathy is fascinating and highly debated. While the idea of being able to transmit and receive thoughts without physical means may seem like the stuff of science fiction, there is scientific evidence to suggest that such phenomena may be possible.
Numerous scientific experiments have explored the possibility of telepathic communication between humans. While the results have been mixed, with some studies showing positive results and others failing to replicate the findings, the fact remains that a small but dedicated group of scientists do believe that telepathy is a real and measurable phenomenon.
Demon Thought Insertion Is All Lies
Thoughts Demon telepathy is a terrifying phenomenon that can have devastating consequences for its victims. These malevolent entities can insert their dark and twisted thoughts directly into the human mind, overwhelming the host with impulses of abuse, self-harm, and other destructive urges.
Desires that demon telepathy instills are not your own. They manifest pure malice, designed to erode your willpower and self-control. Recognizing this demon thought insertion for what it is is crucial—the work of dark forces seeking to claim your soul. The evil spirits’ ultimate goal is demon possession. They are masters of deception, often masquerading as angels or powerful spiritual protectors to gain the trust of their prey. But make no mistake – their intentions are pure evil. Through demon thought insertion, they seek to corrupt and destroy the very fabric of the human psyche, driving their victims to the brink of madness and despair.
How Do People Acquire Demon Thought Insertion?
Be warned – communicating with spirits may seem alluring but can quickly lead to a devastating loss of sanity. Many demons claim they can control their minds and that these spiritual voices are there to help, but this is a dangerous illusion. More information about demons- 80 faqs about demons.
The truth is, a demon can insert its thoughts instantly and take complete possession, gradually or rapidly – the demon sets the pace. These entities have infinite energy and power, and if they desire, they can consume the host’s entire life, isolating them from family and friends as they become consumed by the demon’s voice.
Evil Spirits Slowly Have Thought Control
The demon will always maintain the upper hand no matter how much the host believes they are in control. Its thought insertion is a calculated trap, offering answers to spiritual questions while quietly eroding the host’s grip on reality. This is not a game – the stakes are the host’s soul. Tread carefully, for demons are infinite and have limitless energy. If the evil spirits desire, they can take the host away from daily life. The host spends so much time listening to the demon’s thought insertion that there is no time for family and friends.
How Demonic Telepathy Works
The concept of telepathy, the ability to communicate through thoughts alone, is often associated with mystical or supernatural phenomena. However, the unsettling truth is that this uncanny power is very real when it comes to demonic possession.
When a demon takes hold of a human host, it gains the ability to both send and receive thoughts with terrifying ease. These evil spirits are masters of thought communication, capable of holding extensive conversations with their unwitting hosts daily. Even when the victim sleeps, the demon can infiltrate their subconscious, injecting vivid, lucid dreams that blur the line between reality and the nightmarish realm of the paranormal.
Unlike humans, demons never tire or lose focus, allowing them to maintain this mental link indefinitely. Their supernatural stamina gives them a relentless advantage, as they can wear down even the strongest-willed individuals through this constant, invasive telepathic onslaught.
How Demons Observe a Potential Victim
Demons are experts at reading minds from outside the person’s body. Somehow, they can latch onto a person and observe them, assessing whether they might be susceptible to possible demonic possession.
Through this dark ability, demons can peer into the deepest recesses of a person’s thoughts and emotions. They can detect weaknesses, fears, and vulnerabilities that could provide an entry point for possession. Even the most devout and strong-willed individuals are not immune to the probing influence of demon telepathy.
Once a demon has established this psychic connection, it can subtly influence the person’s decision-making, sow seeds of doubt and confusion, and wear down their spiritual defenses. This makes the individual increasingly vulnerable to full-blown demonic oppression and, ultimately, possession.
Ultimate Test: Is a Spirit Evil or Good?
The ultimate test for discerning if a spirit is good or evil is to request that it leave and never return. The evil spirit will never leave unless an exorcism or self-exorcism is performed. By refusing to depart, it will reveal its true controlling and abusive nature.
In contrast, good spirits, such as God’s angels, will leave immediately when the person asks. Angel exists to carry out God’s will, not to dominate the host. They deliver a message from God and depart without delay.
Another Test: Demon Thought Insertion
Angels do not bombard the person with constant thoughts and voices. Their role is to offer direction and support when needed. Demons, on the other hand, are relentless in their efforts to sway toward the negative.
My Personal Experience with Demonic Thougt Insertion
I must admit that the subject of thought, Insertions, and telepathy of demons sounds like science fiction. Unfortunately, demons exist, and they can send and receive thoughts. How do I know this is true? I experienced demons in the spiritual realm by working on the Ouija Board. I was not a person with Schizophrenia, but after I played with the Ouija Board, I had thoughts of self-harm, intense hatred, and intense fear. None of these thoughts were mine.
I was an average teenager waiting to enter her first year of college until the Ouija Board came into my life. After four years of spiritual battle, the demon was cast out through self-deliverance, only my thoughts, no more thought insertions or telepathy from a demon.
Demon Telepathy Can Mimic Schizophrenia
Demonic entities have the uncanny ability to mimic the symptoms of schizophrenia, a complex mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. The hallmark signs of schizophrenia, such as confused thinking, hallucinations, and delusions like thought insertion and telepathy, are also characteristic demonic abilities.
It’s crucial to understand that schizophrenia is a recognized medical condition, while demonic possession is a spiritual phenomenon. However, the similarities between the two can be unsettling and lead to misdiagnosis or misunderstanding.
Demonic entities have the power to manipulate a person’s mental state, causing them to experience symptoms akin to schizophrenia. This can include hearing voices, having intrusive thoughts, and feeling a loss of control over their mind. Additionally, demonic influence can be passed down through family lineages, going unnoticed until the person begins to exhibit these disturbing behaviors.
It’s important to approach cases of suspected demonic activity with caution and seek guidance from qualified mental health professionals and spiritual leaders. By understanding the potential overlap between schizophrenia and demonic possession, we can ensure that individuals receive the appropriate care and support they need, whether it’s medical or spiritual.
Please note that this page is not encouraging anyone to stop using psychiatric-prescribed medications. These medications help provide clarity of mind. The spiritual solution is when there is enough mental clarity to read and understand the scriptures.
Lorie’s story is about her spiritual and physical battle with Schizophrenia. The story was submitted to my website, circleofchristianwomen.com, in 2004.
Schizophrenia – Mental illness or demons?
Lories Story of Christian Deliverance from Schizophrenia. A combination of psychological help and deliverance.
My mother 30+ years ago was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. She was hospitalized 5 times. During the 5th hospitalization, she was determined to never return to that place. She begins filling her mind with God. She changes her pattern of thinking. She stays out of the hospital. She has taken a small dose of Haldol all these years, and I believe it helps her.
Thirty years later, I became mentally ill. Amazing, though, my spiritual eyes are open after I give my life to Christ. The next morning I hear in my mind “We’re here”.
My life becomes a living nightmare. I have been hospitalized twice. The second time the ambulance was called, it took 7 large men to hold me down. I beat myself up because the voices tell me, “God hates me.” One of the police officers pulled my sister-in-law to the side and asked her if I had ever been involved in the occult. I have lived in literal “hell” for years. God uses the medication while I become strong in my faith. Knowing who I am in Christ and how much God loves me.
My path differs from my mother’s. I run to the churches, request hands be laid on me, and be prayed over. The ministry rebukes demons from me and fills me with the Word of God. I feel the demons leave me. One night, I woke up to feel a great presence leave me. Little did I know my daughter, sleeping on the floor, also wakes up and sees a black cloud over me. The black cloud leaves through the ceiling.
Twelve Years Later
Twelve years later, I know I am not fully set free, but the day is coming soon. The darkness must leave the more light (Word of God) I fill myself. “Darkness cannot live with the Light.” I am still on a very small amount of medication. God carries me a very long way. I am now attending a Christian College for ministry and counseling. God is so good.
The story does not end, though. As I sit here typing this email, my brother is sitting in the psychiatric ward with the same problem. He has been suffering for 10 years. He is standing on what the doctors say, and he looks at his problem as an illness versus spiritual.
My life is speaking to him, and he is considering the possibilities of the Word of God. I cannot force my views on him, but my life is a great example of Christ, His love, and power. I do not put down the medical field at all. I believe God gives the mental health professionals to help us. I advise people to put God first and fill their minds with God. He alone shows each person the road to take.
Generational Demons
For my family, I believe somewhere in the past one of my ancestors practices the occult. . The occult opens the door to spiritual evil, and the demon has affected my family through the generations. Schizophrenia also affects my great aunt, my mother, her twin brother, me, and both my brothers. No matter what, I choose God. He does not want me sick, “He came to free the captives.” “He became a curse for us.” He wants our lives to speak of His Glory and Power. I sympathize with those suffering and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I can read everything on mental illness, but because of what I have gone through, my beliefs stand with the Living Word of God.
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