Demonic control is a terrifying reality that many people struggle to comprehend. When a demon’s possession runs deep, it can seize control of the host’s body and sexual desires, manipulating their every move.
The possessed individual loses autonomy as the demon’s influence permeates their very soul. The demon can use the person’s own voice, moving their head back and forth, completely overriding their physical agency. As the possession deepens, the host falls victim to unexpected bouts of sleep, further cementing the demon’s dominance.
This insidious takeover is the stuff of nightmares, a disturbing phenomenon that defies rational explanation. Yet, it is a dark truth that must be reckoned with, lest unsuspecting souls fall prey to these malevolent entities. Only through understanding the reality of demonic control can we hope to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this profound and unsettling threat.
Understanding Demonic Control
Only through understanding the reality of demonic control can we hope to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this profound and unsettling threat. It is a truth that many choose to ignore or dismiss, yet the evidence of demonic influence is all around us. From the rise in unexplained phenomena to the increasing prevalence of mental and spiritual anguish, the signs of a dark, malevolent force at work are undeniable.
To confront this threat effectively, we must first acknowledge its existence and its real danger. By educating ourselves on the behaviors and tactics of these demonic entities, we can learn to recognize the warning signs and take the necessary steps to shield ourselves and our families. This knowledge is not just a matter of personal protection but a moral imperative – for to ignore the reality of demonic control is to leave ourselves and our loved ones vulnerable to its devastating consequences. We hope to break free from the grip of this profound and unsettling threat by embracing this truth and actively seeking to understand it.
How Does an Evil Spirit Slowly Gain Control?
Demonic control is a terrifying reality that many people struggle with, often without even realizing the extent of the danger they face. The process begins innocently enough, with the person unknowingly or knowingly inviting the spirit to communicate. But once that door is opened, the demonic entity gains access to the deepest recesses of the individual’s mind and body.
As the possession strengthens, the demons assert their dominance, taking control of the host’s thoughts, feelings, and even their most intimate desires. The victim is left in a state of sheer terror, powerless to resist as their own body betrays them. The demons’ influence extends to the person’s speech, limb movements, and even their basic bodily functions.
Demons Intensify Sexual Desire
Shockingly, Demons can stimulate sexual desire in their host. Sexual stimulation by spirits can be gay, straight, or masturbation. Evil spirits can feel all the sensations that humans can feel. Incubus and Succubus have a long history of possessing humans. All demons terrorize hosts with increasing sexual desire.
Evil spirits pretending to be deceased past lovers, a fantasy sex partner, or whoever the host desires for sex. The demons can claim to be anyone since there is no way to prove identity. One false identity is when demons claim to be ghosts. Ghosts and sex are lies from demons. Ghosts do not like people. They want all humans to leave the premises to have privacy. The main function of a ghost is to hoover around a property or object.
How could a demon take control of the host’s body?
Satanic Spirit tells the person that their mind must be neutral for more precise communication with the spirit. Demons can only communicate one thought at a time, and the host cannot think about other things.
An excellent method of fighting a demon is constantly thinking theirown thoughts. The devil cannot interfere. No one can think two or more thoughts at the same time.
Evil Spirits Move Heads, Arms, and Fingers
Dark spirits can control human body movements such as the head, arms, and fingers. They can move the host’s head from side to side and their arms and fingers. An example is when a person permits the demon to do automatic handwriting. Another example is submitting the host fingers placed on an Ouija Board’s planchette.
Other functions include music and art channeled to the host by the demon. Many spiritual channelers and mediums will sell the music and art billed as “spirit music or spirit art.”
Behavior in Social Surroundings
The host may allow the evil spirit to take a finger movement to spell out words as secret communication between the host and the demon. This activity is usually in a social place – work, home, or social gathering.
Evil spirits speak through the host’s voice. They curse, yell, and state why they will not leave until the victim dies.) Additionally, demons use the host’s body; the spirit behaves like an animal; it makes noises like a bear with the host’s arms swatting the air. The demon makes the person hiss like a snake and slithers like a snake when on the floor.
Examples of Evil Spirit Creativity
Other functions include music and art channeled to the host by the demon. Many spiritual channelers and mediums will sell the music and art billed as “spirit music or spirit art.”
The host may allow the evil spirit to take a finger movement to spell out words as secret communication between the host and the demon. This activity is usually in a social place – work, home, or social gathering.
Demons can control human body movements such as the head, arms, and fingers. An example is when a person permits the demon to do automatic handwriting. Another example is submitting the host fingers placed on an Ouija Board’s planchette.
Hosts must Learn To Take Back Control
The person can stop the behavior by taking control back. His spiritual battle takes some time to learn. The spirit is the intruder, and the person has power in the earthly realm. The person listens to the demonic lies and does not realize that they can take control back because the host belongs in the earthly realm. The dark spirit belongs in the pit of hell; therefore, an intruder and thief.
Emotion Manipulation
Unfortunately, the effects of demonic control can be devastating. The host may become so confused, miserable, hateful, and terrified that they may even consider taking their own life. But it’s important to remember that this is the demon’s goal – to destroy the person from the inside out.
Demons speak loudly through the host- most prevalent during an exorcism. The satanic spirit speaks through the person to communicate with the exorcist and other people. Sometimes, the evil will spit, vomit, curse, intimate, and much more.
Additionally, the demon can interrupt a conversation between people with any weird comment. Blurting out a bizarre statement is an embarrassment to the host. The host knows that the devil is speaking, but the host can force the demon to stop. Control of speech for the host takes practice. The possessed person should evaluate every comment before speaking to others.
The abilities of Satanic spirits may sound unbelievable, but the reality is far more terrifying than you can imagine. While many websites and spiritual teachers offer intellectual knowledge about demons, my expertise comes from direct, firsthand experience – both as a victim of demonic activity and as a lead exorcist who has witnessed these dark forces in action.
The power of these entities is not to be underestimated. They can manipulate the physical world, control the minds of their victims, and even manifest in tangible ways. I have seen them move objects with their mind, speak in unknown tongues, and display superhuman strength. The depths of their malevolence know no bounds.
In conclusion, I know that writing about demon experiences brings back old memories I want to forget. How can I forget? These pages are a warning for you to see the truth about demons. People do not go into the spirit realm. Stay spiritually safe.
If you think this is all just superstition, I urge you to reconsider. The threat of demonic control is very real, and ignoring it could have devastating consequences. These spirits seek to corrupt, possess, and destroy anyone who comes into their path. The only way to protect yourself is to be informed and vigilant.
Can a demon possess anyone they want?
No, they need an invitation. This invitation is usually by pursuing spirit channeling activities.
How do I stay spiritually safe?
Stay spiritually safe by living your life with a positive attitude. Do not seek the Occult supernatural: all spirits lie about how they can improve your life.