Demon Possession was not what I wondered; however, I wondered how the Ouija Board worked. As a young woman, I was deeply fascinated by the spiritual realm, always seeking to explore the unknown. It was this curiosity that led me down a dark path, one that I now deeply regret. My Ouija Board experience with demonic possession is a cautionary tale that I hope will discourage anyone from pursuing such dangerous spiritual practices.
The events that unfolded were genuinely horrific, leaving me scarred both physically and emotionally. What began as an innocent attempt to connect with the other side quickly spiraled out of control, unleashing forces I was woefully unprepared to handle. The entity that made its presence known was evil, bent on causing harm and destruction.
I urge anyone reading this to heed my warning and stay far away from the Ouija Board and any form of spirit communication. The risks are not worth it. The demonic forces that can be unleashed are beyond what most people can comprehend, and the consequences can be devastating, both in the short and long term.
Approach Spiritual Curiosity With Extreme Caution
If you are spiritually curious, I encourage you to explore your faith and beliefs more positively and constructively. There are many beautiful ways to connect with the divine without putting yourself in harm’s way. Pursue your spiritual journey with caution and discernment, and never underestimate the power of the unseen world.
My Ouija Board experience is a regrettable mistake. My demon Possession experience will carry with me for the rest of my life. I share this story not for sensationalism but in the hope that it will prevent others from making the same tragic error. Heed my words and chose a different path that leads to light, not darkness.
I was eighteen years old, and the long summer days had left me bored and restless. On a whim, I purchased an Ouija board and convinced a friend to try it. We attempted to work the board for about three days, but the planchette remained stubbornly still. Just as we were about to give up, the planchette suddenly sprang to life, moving from letter to letter. The messages, however, needed to be more clear and clear.
Undeterred, I decided to continue using the board alone. At first, the planchette refused to move, but eventually, it came alive, spelling out messages that claimed to be from a spirit who would guide and protect me. Foolishly, I believed these claims, and my curiosity only deepened.
Spend all summer with the board.
I became obsessed with the board, spending all my free time communicating with the spirit it summoned. The entity told me I needed to let it guide my activities to secure a happy future. Foolishly, I agreed, even taking the Ouija Board to college. My studies suffered as I devoted myself entirely to the board, and the spirit’s influence grew more assertive.
It instructed me to allow it to control my hand for automatic writing, but I could only repeatedly produce the figure “8”. I became pale, tired, and increasingly nervous, unable to focus on anything but my disturbing spiritual connection. By the time I returned home, I was a shadow of my former self, entirely under the sway of this evil force.
This experience was traumatic, and I urge anyone reading this to steer clear of the Ouija Board and any attempts at spirit communication. The risks are too great. Please learn from my regrettable mistake and protect yourself from the dangers of the Ouija Board.
Demon uses my fingers and voice to speak to me- Year 2
A chill runs down my spine as I sit alone in my room. The air seems to crackle with an unseen energy, and I can’t shake the feeling that I’m not alone. Suddenly, the board on the table begins to move, the letters spelling out a message that sends a shiver down my spine: “Let me use your voice.”
At first, I was hesitant, unsure of what this entity was or its intentions. But the more it communicates, the clearer it becomes that this is no ordinary presence. It speaks of the future, of dangers that are approaching me, and I can’t help but feel a sense of dread wash over me.
Despite my reservations, I find myself giving in, allowing the Demon to use my voice. The words that pour forth are not my own but a haunting, otherworldly presence that seems to have taken control. It’s as if my body has been hijacked, my faculties no longer under my command.
The Demon disrupts Daily Life
The Demon’s presence becomes increasingly disruptive as I struggle to maintain my focus at work. It taps my fingers, attempting to guide my hand in writing its messages, and I find myself torn between the demands of my daily life and the overwhelming pull of this supernatural force.
Yet, even in the face of this terrifying ordeal, I’ve learned I can regain control. Concentrating and pushing back against the Demon’s influence, I can reclaim my voice and body. But the cost is high, as it detracts from my ability to function in the world, leaving me feeling drained and unsettled.
This encounter with the supernatural has shaken me to my core, and I can’t help but wonder what other unseen forces may be at work in the world around us. But one thing is sure: I will not surrender to the Demon’s will without a fight, for my soul hangs in the balance.
Obesities and Hatred -Year 3
I’ve been through a harrowing experience that has shaken me to the core. It’s as if a dark, evil force has taken control of my very being. The way my body and voice have become possessed, the way I’ve lost control over my movements and words – it’s genuinely terrifying.
This spirit, this Demon, has an iron grip on me. I’ve tried to fight and expel it, but it refuses to relinquish its hold. The nightmares, the restless sleep with a knife at the ready, the pale and nervous appearance staring back at me in the mirror – it’s all a testament to the power this evil entity wields over me.
I’m not religious, but I can’t help but wonder if this is the work of something beyond the natural world. The way it fights against my attempts to regain control, the way it uses my voice and body against me – it’s the behavior of a true demonic force. I’m terrified of what this spirit is capable of and what it intends to do with me. Oh my God, Am I demon possessed?
I need to find a way to break free of this possession, to reclaim my mind and body. But I don’t know how, and the thought of continuing to live under the tyranny of this Demon fills me with dread. Something has to be done before this spirit completely consumes me.
Devil In My House
Certain experiences defy explanation, and my father’s encounter with a monstrous, otherworldly being in our own home is certainly one of them. Though I initially met his claims with skepticism and laughter, the conviction in his voice and the undeniable shift in his demeanor gave me pause.
My dad is not prone to flights of fancy or fanciful storytelling. He is a pragmatic, no-nonsense man who values logic and reason above all else. So when he sat me down that afternoon, his brow furrowed and his hands trembling slightly, and recounted his startling experience, I found myself listening with rapt attention.
He described a hulking, shadowy figure that seemed to materialize out of thin air in our dining room. Its features were obscured, but my father insisted the creature exuded a palpable aura of menace and evil. Without hesitation, he chased the entity as it fled through the window, disappearing into the night.
In the following hours, my father dissected every detail of the encounter, analyzing it from every possible angle. Try as I might to dismiss it as mere imagination, the conviction in his voice and the haunted look in his eyes gave his account undeniable weight.
There may be forces at work in this world that defy our understanding. While I may never know the truth of what my father witnessed that day, I can’t help but be left with a profound sense of unease. The idea that something so evil could have invaded the sanctity of our home is a disturbing one indeed.
Is God Real?
When I found myself struggling with issues that seemed beyond my control, I decided to ask God for help. Who else could assist me in my time of need? Anyone else would likely send me to a mental hospital.
In my desperation, I began to fervently pray for God to take control of my mind and body. Jesus Christ exists, and now is the time to see if He can help me overcome my challenges.
The spiritual forces of darkness seem to hate the name of Jesus, likely because their sinful obsessions bind them to oppose Him. But I am putting my faith in the power of Christ to deliver me from the darkness.
If God is real, then He is my only true hope. I am calling out to Him, trusting He will hear my cries for help and come to my aid. There is no one else I can turn to who has the power to change my circumstances truly.
Spiritual Battle against Demon Possession-Year Four
Becoming a Christian can be a transformative experience that brings clarity, peace, and spiritual victory. When you open your heart to Jesus, you gain the power to overcome the darkness that may have previously clouded your mind and body.
As you describe, joining a Christian group like Campus Crusade for Christ can be an essential first step. Through studying the Bible and learning to communicate with Jesus, you can begin to feel the weight of shame and spiritual attack lift. Though the battle may not be easy, the blood of Christ provides the ultimate protection and pathway to freedom.
By faithfully memorizing and meditating on scriptures about Jesus’ triumph over Satan, you equip yourself with the spiritual armor needed to resist demonic influences. And as you claim the blood of Jesus, even in your dreams, you experience a tangible shift – a sharpness and peace that signals the Demon’s departure.
This journey is not always simple, but the rewards of becoming a committed Christian are immense. With Jesus as your guide, you can find the clarity, control, and spiritual victory that you seek. Hold fast to your faith, and allow the light of Christ to dispel the darkness within
Demon Testing and Side Effects
Spiritual testing can be a challenging and disruptive experience, but it is important to remain steadfast in your faith. Even after finding peace and expelling demonic influences, the forces of darkness may periodically return to test your resolve.
It is crucial to remember that demons are cunning and will often mix truth with lies to make their deceptions more convincing. They may offer tantalizing spiritual knowledge or insights into the future, but these should be met with skepticism and discernment. Falling for their tricks can lead to grave spiritual mistakes.
However, even amid these trials, we can take solace in the fact that God can use our experiences for good. The passion to share our stories and help others trapped by demons is a testament to His power to transform suffering into purpose.
For those who have faced demon possession or spiritual attacks, know that you are not alone. Through continued prayer, scripture, and the support of a trusted faith community, you can overcome these challenges and emerge more assertive in your relationship with the divine.
Devil Attempts Frequently Return
I had peace of mind after the demon exited my body. Periodically, the devil would return to test me by disrupting my thoughts. I would continue fighting with thought replacement and scripture until there was peace. Even after all these years, I still get tested.
Remember that demons are crafty and will tell you interesting details of spiritual knowledge and the future. They lie but mix some truth to make their lies more believable. I make a substantial spiritual mistake. God turned my experiences for good by giving me the passion to tell others about demons.
In conclusion, demon possession– true story is for people trapped by demons and to help their families, loved ones, and friends to understand what is spiritually happening. In the past twelve years, I have participated in the deliverance ministry. I have been both an assistant to an exorcist and a lead exorcist. Individuals and churches do not commonly know the information on these pages.
Update 5/25/24
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The US government secretly conducts remote medical telemetry involving electronic behavior modification research on military veterans who suffer severe mental illness. This remote wireless medical telemetry therapy is synonymous with electroshock therapy to provide relief from mental disorders. This US research involves the use of powerful electronic antenna transmitters (or hand-held Direct Energy Weapons DEWs) that dispense electric bullets (or unseen wireless radio waveS) strong enough to deliver an electric shock directly into the unsuspecting veteran’s head area to induce mental relief. Most of the veterans are homeless but some live alone in their own home. The PAIN is excruciating and causes immediate drowsiness almost like taking a sleeping pill.
Can this therapy be viewed as a form of DEMONIC BEHAVIOR? If so, how can someone protect themselves against such demonic attacks?
For over 15 years, I worked as an electronics technician.
Hello, I do not believe this is demonic attacks. The brain is changed but not by spirits but by the government. In demonic attacks there are no outside influences. The demons use their abilities to attach to a person. Connie
Hello, I do not think this is demonic. Mental trauma experiences or a brain abnormality can be present. There is a fine line between mental illness and demonic behavior. The person needs to be completely checked out by a psychiatrist and go for submit to a qualified series of exorcisms. Both are necessary. Connie